Everything You Need To Know About ICOs

 What is ICO: Not a really long time ago, Bitcoin underwent the process of coming into existence and holding promises of a potential future, though interpreted and understood as a preposterous step towards digital currency. In the years ensuing the maturation of Bitcoin, the ecosystem of cryptocurrency has detonated. Amidst the aggravatingly accelerating birth pace of freshly launched coins, there is a transaction type called, "Initial Coin Offering" or ICO. An ICO is a tool seeking financial support which involves trade of cryptocoins destined in the long run in exchange with an expeditious value of present cyptocurrencies. According to The Financial Times, ICOs are unsupervised by laws supplying and distributing of cryptocoins where investors can upend money.

On the other hand, The Economist describes ICO as digital tokens issued on ineradicable distribution of logs and blockchains.

Wrapping up, we can say that ICOs are the new handheld catapult making way for nascent cryptos.

Laws: Smith + Crown explains that most ICOs are peddled software tokens which relate to the time before being made available for purchase. In order to circumvent the legal necessities, 'crowdsale' or 'donation' instead of ICOs are the languages used commonly now.

Is there a chance that ICO might slow down: In this regard, Crypto Hustle, writes in a recent article that ICO hysteria is because of those people who had adopted Ethereum at the earliest and are now interested in comebacks. So, it can't be presumed whether the phases of pursuit of pleasures will last for long or not but when rectifications come, we will get to see which cryptos stay put.

If ICO is a safe buy: If you are a risk-taker and not a risk-shifter, without paying heed to end of capitalism, or to the fact that this very subject matter could bury you into the ground, capital-less, then go ahead, it is your call.

Now that we have gathered information about ICOs, let's come to the ultimate question.

What is future of ICO: Going by the reports of a survey of 2017, "about 46% of ICOs didn't reach the fruition stage despite raising about $104 million."


Increased risk of investing in cryptocurrency.

Draconian regulations.

Tough competitions.

Decreasing returns.

Volatile nature of cryptocurrency.

China has banned ICOs and Russia has brought into light a completely different set of rules and regulations for ICO with the promise that investors can sell back their tokens. Promotions of ICO in Google and on face book are difficult, and Twitter deliberately banned scam crypto accounts. Higher authorities believe that the block chain has a living future but ICO? Its future is rotting inside its own skin of struggles to cross that extra bridge to prove their credibility.

So, yes. Death of ICO is really looming large in the air, and before we know, it might blend in and disappear like it never existed in the economy https://www.proleo.io/. But still there are some coins which can turn to next Bitcoins so you have to be on the lookout for best ICOs.

What to Do When Starting a New Web Business

First, I applaud you. Starting your own web business is a great first step to financial independence. The best thing about a web business is that you can start with relatively low investment and grow your business quickly (usually under the noses of big competitors).

This article will show you how to jump start your web business and get you generating sales in no time.

What not to do:

- Start spending money without a plan - It's easy to start spending money on so-called research. The web is full of ebooks, home study courses, and monthly memberships that only drain your wallet rather than filling your cash register.

- Take shortcuts. It will be tempting to try to find loopholes to success like unethical search engine techniques, AdWords loopholes, AdSense spam, etc. These techniques only work for a short while and then you're caught and put back to square one.

- Staying Busy rather than Productive. Anything that doesn't move you quickly to your first online sale is "busy work". Being productive means taking the shortest route to getting at least one sale. Remember you don't have a business until you have a sale.

- Ignore tracking and testing - From now on, commit to being a tracking freak. Try to track everything. Set the goal of tracking every single visitor that arrives on your site. Your objective is to be able to quickly find what works and what is sucking your wallet dry.

Now here's what you should absolutely do when starting your web business:

- Solve Real, Desperate, and Annoying Problems: From now on, you are in the problem solving business. You find problems and create or uncover existing solutions to those problems. This is the only way of creating a business that will make money and break you out of the rat race.

- Quickly create a simple but high quality problem solving product. Every successful web business started with a simple, high quality, product. Take a look at your product and see where you can increase its value. For example, Can you turn it into an audio product, can you offer a "how to use" video tutorial? Now add this value and offer it to your customers for a fair price.

- Create a simple path to purchase: Make it easy for your customers to do business with you. Don't clutter up your product offer with useless about us, our history, or any other link that talks about anything but your offer. Your visitors should know where and how to buy your product within 15 seconds of arriving at your site.

You have a wild and fun adventure ahead of you. I'm confident that if you take action on what you've learned today in your web business then you'll be off to a great start.

What is good SEO copy? Popular long tail keywords? Ranking no. 1 on Google? Solid copy that answers questions? Inbound links? Trust? Relevancy? Content that converts site visitors into buying customers? Stuff your target audience wants, right when they want it?

The list can go on. And on.

GOOD SEO copy is all about balance.

Learning how to write search copy that reaches and engages web users while also attracting the interest of major search engines takes both time and lots of practice. In other words, good SEO copywriting is hard work.

But there is some good news. And that is your SEO copy can position your company to rank high in search engines. And you can start by fixing the online content you already have. Here are some SEO copywriting guidelines to help.

1. Write for humans first. Remember people make purchases, not search engines.

2. Give each web page powerful titles.

3. Repeat title keywords in your opening sentence.

4. Ensure your web page body copy contains keyword synonyms (Avoid generic or vague terms, opt for descriptive keywords instead).

5. Keep your writing focused on a specific topic.

6. Tell readers what action steps you want them to take then create a link out of those steps to direct web traffic to your landing page. "Click here" is a vague word phrase so don't use it.

7. Explain your offer as it regards to benefits.

8. Create great landing pages. Individual landing pages can be written for segmented audiences which helps increase conversion rates.

9. Use unique meta descriptions and meta titles for each web page.

10. Use social media sites to help you pick what keywords your target customers are using in online discussions and reviews.

11. Don't over stuff-that is repeating the same keywords, placing too many keywords in your meta tags and web page content.

12. Include an FAQ page or a site map on your website. If it makes sense, do both.

13. Use keywords to create internal links https://www.newpakweb.com/. Be sure you link to a page only once within the same content because search engines only give credit to unique URLs.

14. Put keywords in your domain name.

15. Get sites with credible and related content to link to your website. Off-topic links, paid links, and heavy reliance on reciprocal links can backlash.

16. Name image files with keywords for example, picture-of-dog-sweater.jpg.

Divine Favor for Your Religion

There are very devout people in every major religion in the world that are convinced their faith is divine will. While it is just a personal feeling for some, others are willing to die for this belief. The pain and confusion this causes says a lot about people and their religions. It also should give people pause to stop and try to look at their religions in a way that will not lead to division and conflict.

There is no telling how many people have died for religion in history. From human sacrifices to wars of religion, the toll is incalculable. On top of this, there is all the other suffering that stopped short of directly leading to death. For example, there are lost chances at marriages and friendships, discrimination, lost economic activity and so many other problems caused by simple differences in opinion about religion.

The Causes

It seems that people want others to agree with them and prefer to be around like-minded people. There is also the strong desire to connect with people in a group. Furthermore, leaders and others with less than noble intentions exploit these feelings for political or economic advantage. Whatever the exact reasons, the results of these divisions have been tragic.

Who Speaks for God?

What should really give people pause is not the fact that they are flawed and confused, but that their god lets them remain that way. If a being with the power to create the universe wants them to follow a certain religious ideology, that being should be able to inform humanity of his wishes in a way that left no doubt. Be it calling down from the heavens or performing any one of millions of other clear and definite miracles that would come very easy for a god, there are just so many things that could convince even the most skeptical.

While those who follow different religions claim to have proof, nobody has ever been able to demonstrate this in a way that comes anywhere close to convincing the world. Either their god has not really provided this proof, or his creations have failed in their deliverance. Whatever reason, it would seem like it is time for some divine guidance.

If this all-knowing and caring god exists, why not simply step in and do something? He should know that human beings are flawed and can always need more help. If he abhors things like human sacrifice in his name and mass slaughter for religious ideology, then he can surely stop it. Why continually leave flawed humans to try to sort things out when they are undoubtedly failing? A voice in everyone's head that clearly said what the correct religion was would only take seconds, convince virtually everyone on the planet and put a stop to religious conflict immediately.

In addition, as deluded and sick as those dying and killing in the name of religion may be, there is no denying that many of them are sincere in their beliefs. While this does not make what they do any less horrible, it should further motivate their god to act. Knowing something is being done in your name, especially when you do not want it, motivates moral beings to do something.

The Solution

With no hard evidence of divine favor for any religion after so much death and conflict, it is time for people to assume no religion has it. It is far more rational to assume that the good and bad in religion come from the people whom created them https://ashokstambh.com/. If people learn to have the humility to look upon their religions as simply an idea of what any divine force may be and not a certain divine truth, they will take one giant step towards creating a better world.

Runner Gratitude - Race Musicians

If you have run in a public race of almost any distance, then you have gotten to enjoy race musicians along the race route or beyond the finish line. Some races, such as the races in the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon and 1/2 Marathon series, emphasize the fact that they have musicians along the race route. Other races, such as the Houston Marathon, have kept their original names but are known to veterans as races that have musical groups in several places along the course of the race. And many races have their race musicians competing against one another -- in the popular opinion of the runners and walkers -- for "best band" or other musical distinctions.

Race organizers like to feature race musicians for at least three reasons:

They "pump up" the racers who pass them, by playing music with catchy tempos.

They give the racers something about which to smile, which is important in endurance races such as marathons and half marathons, in which everything can start to seem bleak to the racers after a while.

They give the spectators entertainment while waiting for racers to pass.

And the growth in the number of races that feature race musicians seemed to happen at the same time that races started to discourage or disqualify racers who wear earphones. So, in a way, you could say that the presence of race musicians is an acknowledgment by race organizers that people like to race to the beat of music. (You can even see this acknowledgment in the "Run to the Beat" half marathon, which is held in London, England. Although this race features DJs and recorded music as well as live musicians, it emphasizes the importance of having different tempos based on the challenge ahead.)

So here is a question for you: Are you grateful for race musicians?

You should be! The Law of Attraction tells us that we attract more of what we focus on with strong emotions. And this works both ways: with strong positive emotions, or with strong negative emotions.

So, if you want to attract more excellent musicians to your future races, then you have to feel strongly positive about the ones that you have already heard. For example, you have to vote for your favorite band in every race that has a "battle of the bands" poll. And you have to regularly feel gratitude for race musicians.

Here is a simple way to do this: (a) make a list of statements of gratitude for race musicians; (b) daily or weekly read that list, stopping for a few seconds after reading each statement to enjoy the positive feelings that you associate with that statement.

Here are some statements to get you started:

I am truly grateful for every race musician who picks and plays music that will pump me up as a runner.

I love race musicians who know what music has the right kind of beat for a given part of a race course.

I appreciate every musician who takes time to support me as a runner by playing along the route or beyond the finish line

Have you ever wondered which horse racing factors are really the most important? This handicapping article will help you to understand how you can figure out which factors are most important to find winners and eliminate bad bets. The first thing you have to know about horse racing is that different races require different methods.

In other words, you can't approach the problem of making money off your bets the same way for all kinds of races. By kinds of races I mean the track surface, distance, and conditions. The conditions are the restrictions, or guidelines, written by the racing steward that determine which horses are eligible to run in the race. For instance, one of the most common types of races is the Non-Winners Race (NW). It is usually written for young horses who have not won a certain number of races.

After winning a maiden race, the next race for a horse to enter is an allowance race for non-winners of a race other than maiden or maiden claiming (NW-1). As a horse moves up through the ranks, winning each NW race, it is often described as moving up through its conditions, or winning through its conditions. But a NW-1 race for three year old fillies on the turf at a mile and a quarter distance, is much different than an NW-1 race for three year olds and up (colts, geldings, horses) at six furlongs on the dirt.

The way you will know whether the major factors of pace, and in particular early speed, class, post position, breeding are the most important factors, is by keeping notes and using common sense. If for instance, you are handicapping a race for two year olds and most of the field have not raced yet, then you will have to rely on breeding, workouts, and whether the trainer is known for winning first time out with two year olds, that's just plain old common sense.

If you are handicapping a race for three year old fillies at six furlongs, and you see that the winner is within two lengths of the leader in most of the races under these conditions, then pace may become your primary focus. Start by handicapping each race at your track and noticing which horses win. Also note any factor that they may dominate. For instance, after watching 20 races at your favorite track at six furlongs for older horses, you may note that the winner of 12 of those races had the highest speed figure in its last race. If that is the case, then that speed factor is the key factor and should be considered first. On the other hand, you may notice that horses with late speed, called closers, win most often.

Perhaps you've also noticed that turf races at over a mile are most often won by the horse with the highest class rating, then class will become the primary factor when rating horses who race under those conditions https://www.adaptnetwork.com/. Of course, making a profit from your horse racing wagers using just one factor to decipher the race is very difficult. But knowing that you cannot exclude the horse that meets that one requirement may speed up your handicapping and help you to avoid a few bad bets.

Looking for How to Make Money Online?

While it is true that there are ways for people to make money online fast, such speed does not mean that you can do it overnight. What this means is that people have to exert a lot of effort for a certain period of time to establish his or her online endeavors before he or she can earn money online fast. If people ask me, "What's the best way to make money online?", the best answer I could give them would be for them to work for it on a daily basis.

As a principle, working hard is really the best way for people to succeed at the shortest time possible. Tools such as App Empire will help people generate extra money online. But such an endeavor would require focus and those who want to earn money online should do away with the things that are distracting them. Fast results would require fast and focused work and things that distract you would only slow you down. So you have to turn off the television and log-out from your Facebook account while working.

If you want to be successful in this endeavor, then you must have long-term goal for the future. The truth of the matter is that it doesn't really matter what the obstacles are since you will do everything to achieve your long-term goal. Your long-term goal will serve as your fuel for this seemingly long journey. Without a long-term vision, you will easily give up and fail in your online business. Remember that it may take you a while to get the results that you need so you have to be extra patient along the way.

The next method is relatively easy and it entails taking the initiative and time to research everything that needs to be learned about making money online. Reading books at the local bookstore and the library would be the best place to start. Take the time to go through the magazines and newspapers and check what is new and hot in the online world. With enough cash, one can also go through online paid trainings and learn more about the endeavor.

When it comes to working online, it is necessary for people to take action immediately. It is very crucial to engage in the online world and do everything that you can do to keep pushing on and establish a very successful online business. Knowledge without action is just a waste of time and it is quite essential to apply what you have learned in this case. Application will also allow you to test what you have learned and see what works best.

Another thing that you need to keep in mind is that you can always make money online with the right knowledge and application. The truth is that online success is one of the easiest things that individuals can accomplish with enough focus and hard work. If individuals can work consistently on a daily basis, then there is no stopping them in achieving their goals and succeed online

Plenty of Opportunities

You are reading this article today because you are actively searching for a real way to make money online. Sometimes it seems like making money on the internet is a scam or impossibility.

By the end of this article, you will have learned about multiple legitimate online money-making opportunities. You may be surprised at what you find out!

Check Out these Options!

1) Sell Stuff - Selling stuff that you own on the internet is definitely a real way to make money online. In fact, this is probably the most popular route.

Websites like eBay and Craiglist are dedicated to helping sellers find buyers. Unfortunately, unless you have a crazy amount of stuff to sell, this is not a sustainable business model.

If you are looking to permanently replace your forty hour a week job and make some serious money, I highly recommend going a different route.

2) Blogging - Believe it or not, blogging is a real way to make money online. Blogging can be profitable in a number of different ways.

Each of these money-making routes depends on a blogger's ability to attract traffic. Traffic is the number of viewers a blog has.

Once a consistent stream of viewership is established, you can monetize your blog content in a number of ways. In fact, companies and individuals will even pay you to host ads on your blog!

3) Affiliate Marketing - affiliate marketing is probably the most promising and profitable of the opportunities I'm touching on today. If you use context clues, affiliate marketing is exactly what it sounds like.

Affiliate marketers receive a determined commission percentage for selling a company's products. For example. Amazon.com has an affiliate program.

You can actually earn an income by marketing any of their products online. Considering the massive amount of consumers who use the internet to buy the items they need and want.

Affiliate marketing is a very real way to make money online; especially if you use a blog to promote your products!

Read this Before Becoming an Affiliate Marketer

As I mentioned before, affiliate marketing is a promising and real way to make money online. By learning to drive traffic whether using search engine optimization or paid traffic methods, you can make a serious amount of money.

That being said, I find it important to address a specific issue; commission percentage. While some products may be easier to sell, it may not be as advantageous to do so.

Why is this the case? Not all affiliate products or programs pay out the same amount. So before enrolling with an affiliate, be sure to read their compensation plan carefully.

While some programs pay their affiliate marketers more than 50%, others pay as low as 4%. If you're really looking for a real way to make money online, be sure to align your marketing campaign with a marketable product that pays its affiliates well.

Planning Your Adventure Travel

It certainly would not be an exaggeration if it is said that it is difficult to find anyone who is not interested in traveling! There are many people who also find great pleasure in 'adventure travel' and take it as lightly as an evening walk. As the name itself indicates, adventure travel is a trip that provides an unusual and exciting experience to the traveler seeking adventures. There are a great many kind of experiences that fall under the category of adventure travel - cultural journeys, expeditions, wildlife adventures, and active adventures to name a few.

One who wishes to go on an adventure travel may certainly have a very clear picture of what kind of adventure he plans to take on. You can plan it on your own but it can take a lot of time and a lot more confusing than you can imagine. To make things easier and to make the travel comfortable, the best option would be to approach a good travel agent. The thrill and excitement that you would get on your trip will be numerous and the trip all the more enjoyable.

You can find several adventure travel agencies ready to serve but the wisdom lies in choosing a professional travel agent or company. Professional guidance helps the traveler obtain personal satisfaction.

There are several reasons which speak in favor of a good adventure travel agent or travel companies. A good agency is one which organizes everything perfectly for the traveler. They usually arrange for a tour leader who is well aware of the place, the customs of the people and any specific problems associated with the area, if any. There are many of us who will be traveling alone because we are unable to find a good companion. In such instances, seeking the help of a good agent will provide us with ready-made traveling companions. A good agency aims at the personal satisfaction of the travelers that come to them. Many travel agencies try to lure customers by offering discounts, but discounts sometimes mean cutting on the services offered. Cheap vacation packages would only rob you of comfort which is normally provided to the traveler. A good travel agent is always there for the traveler in case of a problem or if something unfortunate goes wrong.

Seeking the help of the adventure travel specialist saves a lot of time and money since they undertake the arrangements like transportation, early bookings on discounts in hotels and resorts, domestic and international travel https://charitysafaris.com/. They also provide the required help with passport and visa applications. In short, they cater to all the needs of the traveler.

The professional background of the adventure travel agent enables the traveler to get an idea whether or not the agent is trained well and can make his trip a pleasant, thrilling, comfortable and exciting one. A professional agency has its personnel trained in business management and tourism or their personnel must pass a course with the Institute of the Certified Travel Agents.


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